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Discovering Authentic Rubies: A Step-by-Step Guide to Foolproof Ruby Identification

2022-10-11 08:46:15

Discovering Authentic Rubies: A Step-by-Step Guide to Foolproof Ruby Identification


Ruby, known as the "king of gemstones," has captivated gem enthusiasts for centuries. With its vibrant red color and exceptional hardness, rubies hold immense value both in the gemstone market and as a symbol of prestige and wealth. However, the demand for these precious gems has made counterfeit ruby production prevalent. Therefore, it is vital for gemstone enthusiasts to be knowledgeable about identifying authentic rubies to avoid falling victim to imitations. This step-by-step guide will provide you with foolproof methods to identify authentic rubies.

Step 1: Assess Optical Properties

Rubies have distinct optical properties that can help in their identification. Start by observing the color of the stone. Authentic rubies exhibit a deep, intense red hue called "pigeon's blood" red. Next, check the stone's transparency. Genuine rubies are usually transparent to translucent, enabling light to pass through. Additionally, examine the refractive index of the ruby. Authentic rubies have a refractive index of 1.76-1.77, which means that light slows down considerably when passing through the gemstone.

Step 2: Conduct a Visual Inspection

A careful visual inspection can reveal important clues about the authenticity of a ruby. Examine the gemstone's surface for any signs of enhancement or treatment. Authentic rubies often show natural inclusions, such as rutile needles or silk-like structures called "silk." These inclusions are visible under a microscope and provide evidence of a gemstone's natural origin. Be cautious of rubies that appear too flawless as they may be synthetic or treated.

Step 3: Test Hardness

As one of the hardest gemstones, rubies have a high level of durability. To test the hardness, use a hardness testing tool, such as a set of Mohs hardness picks. Genuine rubies have a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale, making them scratch resistant. Be cautious of rubies that can be easily scratched or damaged, as they may be imitations or lower quality gems.

Step 4: Verify Density

Determining a ruby's density can provide important insights into its authenticity. Using a precise scale, measure the weight of the gemstone. Then, fill a graduated cylinder with distilled water and carefully place the ruby into the cylinder. Measure the change in water level and calculate the density using mass and volume formulas. Authentic rubies have a density of 3.97-4.05 g/cm³. A significantly different density may indicate a synthetic or imitation ruby.

Step 5: Assess Heat Resistance

Genuine rubies exhibit remarkable heat resistance. Heat a small section of the gemstone (preferably using a gem heating device) and assess its reaction. Natural rubies should be able to withstand high temperatures without any noticeable changes. Synthetic or treated rubies may show alterations in color or clarity when subjected to heat. However, exercise caution while conducting this test and seek professional guidance if necessary.

Step 6: Seek Professional Testing

While these steps can help in identifying authentic rubies, professional gemologists possess advanced tools and expertise to provide more accurate testing. Consider consulting a certified gemologist who can conduct advanced tests such as spectroscopy or advanced microscopy to authenticate the ruby accurately.


Identifying authentic rubies is a crucial skill for gemstone enthusiasts and buyers. By following this step-by-step guide, you can enhance your ability to identify genuine rubies and avoid counterfeit or synthetic gemstones. Remember to assess the optical properties, conduct a visual inspection, test the hardness, verify density, assess heat resistance, and seek professional testing if needed. With practice and knowledge, you can become an expert in authentic ruby identification and confidently navigate the world of precious gemstones.


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